Thursday, March 10, 2011

Russian politics in the World’s Top

Alina Kabaeva, State Duma Deputy 
Popular Czech edition of For Men Only was rating a Russian gymnast, television presenter and Russian State Duma Deputy Alina Kabaeva as one of the sexiest female politicians of the planet. Unlike the sports career, Alina has not yet achieved stellar success in politics. 

Alina Kabaeva is Russia’s most successful gymnast and has won 18 World championship medals, 2 Olympic Medals and 25 European Championship medals. After retiring from Gymnastics, Alina became a member of the Russian parliament, representing the pro-Kremlin United Russia party.

This famous gymnast was a Deputy of the Russian Federation State Duma in 2007. In that year, in addition to Kabaeva, deputy mandates were other well-known athletes - gymnast Svetlana Khorkina, and the prima-ballerina Svetlana Zakharova. There are many experts doubt that the athletes will be able to adequately represent the interests of their constituents.

”Work in the State Duma does not scare me, but care. It is good. Of course, politics - a new area for me. I need to learn a lot. But I know exactly what should prove to be no worse here than in sports. In sports, in politics you can grow, bigger goals and achieve them. Without goals I'm not interested. The work in the State Duma, as well as in sports, it is very important for me”, said Alina Kabaeva to the Newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda in 2007.

Khorkina & Kabaeva
Zakharova & Kabaeva

Three years later experts note that girls don’t have any results at the arena of politics. In the beginning of their political careers they believed that they could reach the top in politics as well as they did in sports. However, sports results were based on their own titanic efforts and hard work, whereas in politics none of the real elections have never even took place.

Despite this, global ratings of beautiful girls continue to rise. And it is gladden.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Black & White

Speech is silver, silence is golden. This story about two groups of journalism students from Moscow State University. Some time ago these girls were making Calendars-2011 for Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin aimed at his 58th birthday. 

The first calendar, called “Vladimir Vladimirovich, we love you. Happy Birthday Mr. Putin,” featured 12 ladies from Faculty of Journalism. The erotic calendar came with captions like “You only get better with the years.” 

We love You!

“How about a third time?” asks Miss February, hinting at a third presidential term for Putin, who served two terms as president from 2000 to 2008 and is eligible to run again in 2012. Also “You put out the forest fires, but I'm still burning,” says Miss March, referring to Putin's piloting of a firefighting plane during the summer's devastating wildfires.

Putin did not have time to fully appreciate the gift, the next day he got “Alternative calendar” from models’ classmates. Students pose with taped mouths and in black dresses and asked Prime Minister their burnings questions, such as “How inflation will affect the bribes?”, “When is the next terrorist attack?” "Who killed Anna Politkovskaya?" referring to the investigative journalist shot in Moscow four years ago, or “When will they free Mikhail Khodorkovsky?” (he is the former oil magnate jailed under Putin). 

Обложка альтернативного календаря от студенток журфака МГУ. Фото
We have few questions...
  Альтернативный календарь от студенток журфака МГУ: Ноябрь-декабрь. Фото

Unfortunately, nobody knows which of the gifts Putin liked the most. His spokesman Dmitry Peskov just said, “The girls look nice, I hope they’re also good students." As for his boss, I hope that Mr. Prime Minister will not get lost in the days and months of the year.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Sexy Spy arrived at the Cosmodrome

After return to Moscow, famous spy Anna Chapman has mostly avoided appearing in public; at the same time made it clear that she doesn’t want to go into the shadows.

As is well known, charming Anna Chapman was one of 10 Russian agents deported from the US in July. The girl did not weep over the fact that she failed her secret job. Thanks to high-profile exposure, she became a tabloid sensation after sultry pictures of her were published in newspapers around the world. 

Her first an unexpected public appearance was made last week at a cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Ms. Chapman watched the launch of Russia's Soyuz spacecraft, carrying a US astronaut and two Russian cosmonauts for the International Space Station, from the Baikonur cosmodrome.

Anna Chapman at Baikonur

Logical question: what did a young beauty forget at the Baikonur? She refused to answer any questions from the media, saying only that she had “just arrived”, the Associated Press reports.

The answer was found several days later. Russian spy Anna Chapman has become the new celebrity face of a Moscow bank! FondServisBank, which works with Russian companies in the aerospace industry, said that it has hired Chapman to bring innovation to its information technologies. As for the FondServisBank, it has “acquired an exceptionally creative and what is of equal importance multifaceted employee who is truly concerned about the fate of Russia”, the Associated Press reports.

Good for Anna. But while it was not clear if the bank was genuinely interested in her IT knowledge or was just using a girl for her fame. In my point of view, the latter seems to be more realistic.  

P.S. The initials of the bank, FSB, are the same as Russia's main spy agency :)